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Signs You Need Air Duct Repair

Know How To Recognize Damaged Ductwork

If you have a traditional HVAC system, your home holds a labyrinth of ductwork behind the walls. These ducts are the portals that allow cool or warm air to travel around your home, regulating the temperature. Although your ducts are tucked away in the wall, they aren’t safe from damage.

Here in Fort Worth, our Aire Serv team is familiar with the signs of damaged ductwork, and we know that recognizing the signs of a problem can be tricky. However, with a little extra effort, you’ll be one step closer to repairing your ducts for a more energy-efficient home.

The Signs Of Bad Ductwork

Detecting ductwork issues can be a little tricky since your ducts are concealed within your home. However, problems with your ducts can lead to wasted energy and money over time, so it’s important to act fast. That’s why we’re here to share a few warning signs to watch out for when it comes to damaged ductwork.

High Energy Bills

Your ducts need to be without tears or leaks to efficiently cool or warm your home. When there are holes in the ductwork, some of the air will escape to your home’s walls, resulting in wasted energy. If you notice that your electricity bills have gone up recently, your ductwork could be to blame.

Uneven Room Temperatures

Are there cool and warm pockets in your home? If some rooms in your house are much cooler or warmer than others, certain areas of your ductwork may have leaks and holes that need to be repaired. Instead of cranking up your HVAC system to make up for the uneven temperatures, contact a professional technician to check out your ductwork.

Dusty Vents

Your home’s ductwork leads to vents, which allow cool or warm air to fill your home. If you notice that your vent coverings are coated in dust, your ductwork could be to blame. Although replacing your HVAC air filter can help with this issue, you may also need to clean or repair your ductwork to eliminate all dust buildup.

Pest Invasion

Any holes or cracks in your ducts are the perfect entrance for pests. If you notice rotting smells, scratching noises or any other signs of animals in your ducts, you’ll likely need to schedule some repairs. Ignoring a pest infestation can lead to poor indoor air quality, further damage and ductwork blockages.

Ductwork Age

You may be wondering, how long does ductwork last? On average, your home’s ducts can last around fifteen to twenty years. However, you may begin to need repairs after a decade or so. To avoid frequent, costly repairs, consider replacing your ductwork if it’s older than fifteen years old.

Why Is Duct Repair Important?

When your air ducts are suffering, you’ll want to respond to the issue quickly as a way to protect your wallet. When tears occur in your ducts or pests begin to call them home, the problem can only get worse with time if it isn’t addressed.

The cost to reach a solution may increase if you allow the damage to spread. Additionally, the cost to heat or cool your home will rise due to inefficiency, bringing unnecessary stress to your wallet. Take care of the problem quickly when you work with Aire Serv.

Schedule Ductwork Repairs In Fort Worth

If your home shows signs of bad ductwork, it’s time to schedule some repairs. Instead of trying to diagnose your ductwork problems all on your own, contact a professional for their opinion. If you live in the Fort Worth area, Aire Serv is ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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