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How Do Damaged Ducts Affect Your Comfort?

Signs You Need A Fort Worth Air Duct Repair

With help from the ductwork hidden behind your home’s walls, you can regulate the temperature of each room when you use a central HVAC system. However, damaged ducts can end up causing more harm than good.

At Aire Serv, we’re experts when it comes to identifying and solving air duct issues. Damaged ductwork not only affects your HVAC system, but it can also disrupt your personal comfort. We’re here to share the reality of living in a home with faulty air ducts.

What Causes Damaged Ductwork?

Your air ducts are made to last for fifteen to twenty years, but damage can occur at any time. You may be wondering how this is even possible since the only thing that enters your ducts is cool or warm air. However, there are many causes of ductwork damage to look out for, including:

  • Pest invasions
  • Dust build-up
  • Aging parts
  • Poor installation
  • Rust

These factors can lead to leaks, holes and poor air quality — all of which damage your at-home comfort! If you suspect air duct problems are present, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Aire Serv.

How Air Duct Issues Affect Your Comfort

Damaged ducts can cause a lot of issues with your HVAC system as a whole. When there are leaks and debris caught in the ducts, the system has to work harder to transport air around your home. However, the effects of broken ducts may be more obvious when it comes to the impact they have on your personal well-being.

Hot And Cold Spots

One of the main effects of leaking ductwork is cold and hot spots around your home. When there are cracks in the ductwork, certain rooms may receive less air than others. This may cause you to adjust the thermostat, which will make the unaffected rooms in your home too hot or too cold.

High Energy Bills

Nothing says comfort like financial stability. However, leaking ductwork can cause your energy bills to rise much higher than you may have budgeted for. As cool or warm air escapes through holes and cracks in your ducts, your HVAC system has to use more energy to regulate your home’s temperature.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

If your ducts are full of dust or pests, your indoor air quality is sure to suffer. Signs that your home’s indoor air quality is poor include:

  • Headaches
  • Itchy eyes
  • Sore throat
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nausea

If these symptoms persist for many days or keep coming back, you may want to check your indoor air quality and ductwork.

Restore Your Home’s Ductwork And Comfort Today!

It can be frustrating to live in an uncomfortable home, especially if you can’t figure out what’s causing the problem. Thankfully, an HVAC professional can help diagnose the problem and set you up with a solution.

If you live in the Fort Worth area, Aire Serv is ready to help when ductwork problems arise. We’re committed to helping our neighbors improve their home’s comfort and functionality. Contact us today to schedule Fort Worth air duct repair!

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