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4 Common AC Repairs

If you’re starting to see negative changes in your air conditioning unit, it’s important that you call for repair as soon as possible. Just like how we go to a doctor for help, AC technicians can keep your air conditioning unit healthy and running well! Plus, an apple a day also won’t affect technicians like they will doctors, so nothing will stop us from providing high-quality AC services!

Aire Serv in Fort Worth is here to help you identify some repairs that you may expect whenever your AC unit breaks down.

The Most Frequent AC Repairs In Fort Worth

When it comes to AC repairs in Fort Worth, the Aire Serv team has the experience and skills you’re looking for. Our experts can examine your HVAC system to find the source of the problem and provide the best solution for your situation.

We’ve put together a list of common AC troubles to help you identify potential problems with your system. If you suspect an issue, make sure your AC gets the care it needs

1. Clogged And Dirty Filters

what take contaminants and allergens out of the air, and replacing these filters is a very important part of air conditioning maintenance.

If you find that there is a strange smell in your house or decreased air flow, this is a great place to check first. Clogged air filters mean it will take more energy to put the same amount of air into your house, which can lead to additional problems for your AC system.

2. A Worn Or Damaged Contactor

Contactors are one of the parts that make an electrical connection, which starts the motors and compressor of the system. This means that whenever contactors become worn down, there is the possibility of a failed electrical connection. Contactors for the compressor, blower motor and the condenser fan may all eventually be worn down over time. This is especially true during extended periods of use.

3. A Broken Thermostat

While it may seem like an obvious choice, making sure that your thermostat isn’t broken is extremely important for your air conditioning unit. A lot of newer HVAC units are automatic, meaning it will turn on or off depending on the temperature of the house.

When your thermostat is broken, there is a high possibility that your AC unit isn’t getting the correct readings. If you’re struggling to regulate the temperature in your home, checking your thermostat for signs of trouble is a great first step.

4. Evaporator Coils Or Refrigerant Leaks

The evaporator coils absorb heat from the air and send it back into the house as cold air using a series of air ducts. Refrigerant is the chemical that is used in order to cool down the air as well, and it can be extremely dangerous if not handled correctly.

These are especially important as they are one of the key components in managing the temperature of your house. Whenever there are leaks or worn down coils, then there will be a massive temperature fluctuation problem within your house. A great way to prevent both of these issues is to schedule maintenance once a year on your HVAC unit for preventative care.

When To Schedule AC Repairs

While some problems, like replacing air filters, can be easily solved, some issues you will certainly need a technician for. There are a lot of different ways to determine the health of your air conditioning unit, but here are a few telltale signs that it’s time to look into a repair:

    • Loud noises

    • Bad smells

    • Power turning on and off

    • Temperature fluctuations

    • High humidity levels

    • Increased energy bills

Most of the issues that you will find in your AC can be fixed with the help of a technician, with few exceptions for older units. Looking for any of these signs and calling as soon as you see them can help get your AC back in perfect health!

Call Now For Professional AC Repair Services!

Getting out of the Texas heat isn’t a want, it’s a need! Whether you’re looking for better airflow or an entirely new unit, Aire Serv is here to help. Providing fast, dependable repairs is easy with our 24/7 emergency services. Your AC unit doesn’t understand the concept of business hours, so call today to schedule your appointment!

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